It was a Friday night, September 10, 1993. It was pitch black dark in my parents house. I was home alone, laying in my sister's waterbed because her room had the working tv.
There was a LOT of hype about this new science fiction show that was guaranteed to blow your mind and in a sense frighten you at the same time.
I was a gullible teen, still easily scared of things that went bump in the night. In my life I had already experienced a few in the houses I slept in.
Building up on the hype of the unknown about the show I was scaring myself without realizing it. Finally the show started. By the end I was hiding under the covers, too afraid to move from the safety of the bed, knowing if I set my foot on the floor I would become a victim of The X-Files.
- Max M. Power
The Truth Is Out There
Hurricane Season
When it's hurricane season Mother Nature creates storms so massive they destroy lives in a matter of seconds. They start out of no where and there is no way to prevent them from forming.
From Thanksgiving to Valentine's Day is Hurricane Season for people with live with depression. No one knows why but the holidays hits them hardest.
If you know someone with depression please keep this in mind. They will not tell you nor will they show it, so as not to ruin the holidays for you. They will suffer in silence.
An extra hug, words of encouragement, saying "I love you," can make a huge difference. It only takes a few seconds.
I'm Tired
I'm tired.
I'm tired of life.
I'm tired of the drama.
I'm so tired.
I'm tired of the bullshit.
I'm tired of the fight.
I'm tired.
I'm so fucking tired.
I'm tired of taking the blame.
I'm tired of it all.
I'm so tired.
I'm tired.
I'm tired of life.
I'm tired of Death avoiding me.
I'm tired of being tired.
Lord, I am just tired.
- Max M. Power
Dark Demons
Dark demons are coming
And there's nothing I can do
But let them come
Because they bring memories of you.
Memories so strong
I can see your beautiful face
I can smell your hair
And feel your warm embrace.
I would sell them my soul
To wrap my arms around your hips
And just once more
To kiss your soft lips.
Dark demons are here
I'm consumed by their gloom,
Drowning in the memories
Of the love from you.
Max M. Power
Show Down
Paved roads and high speeds reminded you that you lived in the city but the small wooded area was enough to give you a country feel, balancing that fine line of City and Country living.
The air was cool as the morning dew soaked the grass on the islands dividing the road in half. The East side of the road was covered in trees, hiding an ocean of wild life while the West side was littered with industrial buildings.
At five in the morning on a Sunday I was the only idiot awake and on the road, or so I thought.
The crisp air kissed my face as I cruised down this dark road on my way to work. The moment was to beautiful to disturb so the radio remained off, the silence of nature filling my ears.
Up ahead I could see a large black mass in the darkness which meant something was in the road. A flick of my wrist turned on the brights but it wasn't enough to penetrate the darkness so I slowed to a stop before the black mass.
A buck was standing in the left lane staring at me. A beautiful animal that any hunter would love to get their hands on was standing in front of me.
I honked my horn, breaking the silence, in hopes of scaring off the huge buck, but to no avail. He just stomped a hoof and held his ground.
Seriously? I honked again.
"Fuck you buddy, I have to get to work. You're lucky or you would be dinner."
I yanked the wheel to the right and gunned the gas. As I passed the buck in the other lane we made eye contact and the world slowed down.
"Well played Sir," his eyes said. "Well played."
I Am A Hunter
I am a hunter.
It's what I do.
Ghost, zombies, and aliens.
Laugh but do you see any around you?
They exist.
Make no mistake, they do.
But I ask, see any around you?
I am a hunter,
It's true.
Stop laughing!
I'm why you don't see any around you.
The Feeder - The Lost Stories
The New Writing With Power
A new bio:
My 2 ¢ents Show
that's my 2 ¢ents is going to the airways. I will be reading my blog post as well as giving my opinion, because those that know me know that I have one. If you have a question or a subject you want my opinion on, email me,, and put "My 2 ¢ents Show" in the subject line.
Subscribe to the show at
"Beware the bearers of false gifts and their broken promises. Much pain but still time. Believe. There is good out there. We oppose deception. Conduit closing." - This was a warning that appeared in binary code in 2002 in this crop circle. Notice the picture is of a GREY, the species that supposed enslaved mankind to protect them from the Reptilians. Every time there is an abduction it's the Greys that do it. Are they who we should beware of?
The Dreaded Truth
Burned by a Burrito - The Lost Stories
Father Lewis was a kind man. In his younger years he was a strong athlete and very devoted to God. He loved his morning runs with God. Now, in his later years, the runs have turned into long walks.